Joint Hypermobility
How to live a full, happy, and pain free life - even with hypermobility

Can you place your hands flat onto the floor while keeping your legs straight? Or maybe bend your little finger back past 90 degrees?
Do your joints often dislocate doing regular daily activities?
Have you been told that you are hypermobile or been diagnosed with Ehler's Danlos Syndrome?
If you have joint hypermobility it's very tempting to think that you have to just live with it, that this is just the way it has to be. Or, maybe you've been told that dangerous surgery or a dependence on painkillers is the only way to get to a pain free life.
Maybe it seems like you've tried everything under the sun to manage your pain and live a normal life.
If this sounds like you, you're not alone - we hear this type of thing among many of our hypermobile clients. In fact, we have two staff members who deal with this on a regular basis. And, when it comes to living with hypermobility, everybody we see wants to know
"Why is this happening to me?"
"Will I ever be able to live a 'normal' life?"
Most people with hypermobility think that they are simply "stuck" living the way they have been for years. That they have to avoid doing activities that they love out of fear of dislocations or more pain.
Does this sound like you?
Another thing we see all of the time here is when people go to the Doctors, and the Doctor tells them that they don't understand where their pain is coming from. They say things like "but you're so flexible" or "you're strong so we don't understand why you're in pain."
This is rarely helpful towards getting the correct diagnosis and on the path towards healing. Worse, it can lead towards an incorrect diagnosis, or treatment with dangerous surgeries or a prescription of painkillers. This is extremely frustrating as you work to find a solution.
Here are 7 More Reasons you Could Be Hypermobile
Your joint instability causes frequent sprains, tendinitis, or bursitis when doing activities that would not effect others
You have joint pain that gets in the way of living your daily life
You've been diagnosed with early-onset osteoarthritis (as early as during your teen years)
You suffer from dislocations or subluxations, especially in the shoulder. This severely limits your ability to push, pull, grasp, reach, etc.
You have knee pain or back pain with prolapsed discs or spondylolisthesis
Your joints make clicking noses or you have the ability of finger locking
You have an increase in nerve compression disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome
If any of these have happened to you - we would love to help you by inviting you to book a call to talk with one of our Hypermobility specialists to find out what can be done to help you.
Click the link below to book a call with us if you would like to get some solid advice given to you over the phone. The phone call is complimentary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over. Our goal is to help you make the right decision about what to do next for the best.
"How Can a Physical Therapy Help ME?"
Because no two patients experience the symptoms of hypermobility in exactly the same way, you will benefit the most from an exercise program designed specifically for you and your needs to manage joint hypermobility. Before beginning any exercise program, you should first consult with a physical therapist who specializes in joint hypermobility (we have one on staff!), along with a general practitioner or joint specialist.
A physical therapist can help someone with hypermobility develop an exercise program that strengthens the muscles that control joints through low-impact activities. Instead of using weights that could cause joint strain or hyper-extension, we will often advise you to use elastic exercise bands for resistance. For people who find exercises with joint movement painful, we will create exercise activities known as isometrics that will strengthen muscles without joint movement.
A physical therapy program can help you reduce pain and get you back to doing the things you LOVE, all without dangerous surgeries or a dependence on painkillers. We will design a program, specifically for you and your needs, to help strengthen the muscles around your joints, help avoid dislocations, and get rid of your pain. Basically, we can help get you back to living a full life.
If you want to know what it costs and what our availability is like at our clinic, then please just click the button below and complete the short form: